Elite Software Systems

Get StartedOur work

Focus on your business

we’ll handle the tech

Get Started

Responsive design

Mobile, tablet, web. You need to be everywhere your customers are. We design and build solutions to support multiple platforms.

The right solution

Whether you need an app, a service or a site, software can be complicated. We've got decades of experience and we're here to share that with you.

responsive design

More than half of all Internet traffic is now coming from mobile devices. Providing a multi-dimensional solution lets you engage with your customers whenever and wherever they are.

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Sites, services, Solutions

Einstein said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Your business might need a web site, a dynamic web application, a mobile app or a custom solution. We’ll work with you to build the right solution.

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our work is epic

If you’ve gone through all the case studies and still want to see more of my work, you can check out the shots below. They are from a design community called Dribbble. If you click on any of the images you will be taken there. Don’t be alarmed, it’s a nice place.

projects large or small, we believe in  delivering the best.

There are a few fundamental beliefs here at Elite: 

  • Client success is the number one priority. Leverage your expertise. Merge it with ours. Deliver the right solution. We'll work the late nights with you or for you.
  • Use the right technology for the job. We're engineers and have worked with many technologies for years (if not decades) in addition to keeping up with current developments and tools.
  • Build robust solutions. Rebuilding is painful and costly. We’ve built production systems that have been running for years without major modifications.

A few of the clients we've worked with in the past

Our Team

We are a close family of talented and driven people that strive to deliver quality using the best techniques and technologies for your business.


Director - CTO

Christian has lead tech teams to deliver highly reliable solutions to clients such as USAA, Sony and numerous start-ups from New York to California to Texas.


We are hiring

Enjoy working with fun, energetic and smart professionals? Love to learn? Our team leans towards cross-functional with deeper skills in a variety of areas. If that sounds like you, please have coffee on us.


Beautiful Downtown Austin, TX

say hello

Or request help and/or more info

Email:  silver@elitesoftwaresystems.com
Phone:  +512 750 8024

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